Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bradley Reunion Day!

I spent a lovely late afternoon/early evening with the couples from the August 2010 class. Bert and Kara hosted at their home and we had some yummy BBQ chicken, veggies, brown rice, pansit noodles, and brownies! This group always had fun together during class so the reunion was no exception. I always enjoy seeing the special little son or daughter that has come into the family!
John-Mark and Kimberley with baby Joshua

Mike and Emi with sweetie Makenna

Kara and Bert with sleeping Luke
I had to get a close up. He's giving a little hello!

Me hangin' with Makenna

John-Mark holding his Mini Me

Life as a Mom: sitting a nursing the baby

Such a fun class!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bradley Reunion Day!

On Saturday, the parents from the May 2010 Bradley class gathered to show off their good work. 
Father and son: Eric and Max
The Ramirez family with baby Olivia
Our lovely host Kim!

Little Scarlet hangs out with mom Natalie and Grandma Kay
Max finds a friend

"Why does he have his hand in my ear!?"

Kim with baby Max

Me cuddlin' with Olivia

Although we couldn't meet with everyone, here are some other sweet class babies!
Melissa and Kenny with cutie Victoria

Victoria's close up!

Here is a pic of darling PeaceLily!

Also from the May 2010 class were baby girls Ever and Penelope. Only 1 boy in this series!

Congratulations to the new parents!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Welcome little Isabella Zhang weighing 7lbs 3oz!
This baby is a bit extra special because she is the 100th baby born (not including siblings) since I began teaching the Bradley Method in 2006. It is so rewarding to work with families and I'm happy to have been a small part of their journey to parenthood. :)

Congratulations to the parents Vivian and Leon!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Alissa's birth story

Saturday, July 17, 2010 at 9:44am
A few more details for those who were curious...and a few more details than some might want to know!

This birth experience was very different from my first. I had many days of false labor and pre-labor symptoms...lots of stop and go. I was beginning to think I was never going to have this baby! We were doing everything to try and get labor going consistently. Then on Tuesday everything continued and slowly began to build. I was having mild contractions in the late afternoon and decided to drive to Orange County to my chiropractor to get adjusted to see if that would speed things up. The car ride got things going for sure and the adjustment was exactly what I needed to get speed things up. By the time we got back my contractions were building in intensity and finally beginning to get closer together.

Iris's birth story

(Iris sent this to me awhile ago and I forgot to post it. So here it is! It's a great story.)

Saturday January 24th, I was expressing my concerns to G about our induction, scheduled for January 31st, 2009. Expressing them the same way, I've been writing about them. G kept telling me to relax and not worry.

I took a nap and while I did that, G called Labor and Delivery at the hospital to ask them some for information to calm my fears. Questions like "What weight is considered is 'too big' to deliver natural?", "What if we don't want to be induced at 41 weeks? What are the risks?" The nurse's answers to G's questions didn't please him. They confirmed that I had valid reasons for being concerned. We both felt like they had turned their backs on us, as far as our desires for delivering when the baby was ready, not when they say he is. G told me that he would be attending the Dr's appointment with me! G decided to go with me to my last Dr's appointment to ask some questions and share some concerns about our scheduled induction for Saturday, January 31st. I was so pleased because I hated feeling like I was "fighting" the hospital and their policies, alone. G said to me, "I am taking you walking tomorrow and you better be ready because we are walking a whole lot."

Bradley Reunion Catch up!